Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Satu hal yang tidak aku suka menjadi dewasa adalah kita harus dapat menjaga perasaan orang lain…..ketika kita masih kanak-kanak kita dengan mudahnya meminta maaf dan dimaafkan…. Terkadang hidup berat jika kita tak saling memaafkan…. Ketika maaf sudah terucap belum tentu kita dapat meresapi arti maaf…. Ataupun memaafkan…. Maaf adalah kata pencair suasana serta perekat tali yang telah longgar atau pun yg hampir putus….. maaf sebuah kata yang indah…… bagi kami… kami yang selalu berprasangka buruk….kami yang selalu memperbesar suatu yang kecil (masalah)….kami yg selalu ragu atas sebuah kebenaran {pernyataan}…… kami yang tidak pernah puas akan takdir ALLAH SWT…. Tuhan…. Kau maha pengasih…..Tuhan kau maha pemaaf….. maaffkan hambamu…ibu maafkan aku….bapak maafkan aku….teman maafkan aku….. kawan maafkan aku…..mas….maafkan aku………

Yang meminta maaf….. 7/11/2010….. ayouenirien…..

I Hope…..Semoga engkau memaafkan…….

Analyze of Pragmatics

The Theory of Politeness Language Strategy in The Study of Modal Auxiliaries and Similar Expression Understanding & Using English Grammar by Betty Scrhamper Azar


Arin Wahyuni

NIM : (0823015)

Abstract : In exchange the speech of each participant said not only respect the principle - the principle of cooperation, but also adds the theory of politeness in his every utterance. The underlying theory of politeness is the concept of face. (face threatening). In applied of politeness strategies used to realize a modest and refers to the expression - expression to speak politely.

Keywords : Face threatening, politeness principle


Pragmatics is one of the branch in linguistic. The study of pragmatics helps the development of pragmatics theory in the area of linguistics and also in the teaching of language , the increase of the image of a company, translation and social organization activity.

According to Searle ( 1975) in his hypothesis , stated that every utterance contain action meaning such as declaring ,making question , giving command, elaborating , explaining , apologizing and thanking.

As mentioned above , the speaker and the hearer in the context the speaker and the hearer in the certain context will cooperate to get the goal of their communication.

According to leech (1983 ) in the communication the speakers need the principle of politeness .

The principle of politeness has some maxims, such as :

a. Tact maxim

b. Generosity maxim

c. Approbation maxim

d. Modesty maxim

e. Agreement maxim

f. Sympathy maxim

Related to the maxim of politeness according to Brown & Levinson (1987:61) the concept of face threatening acts were important in the study of the using language in the communication.

The face threatening acts are divide in to two :

a. Positive face = Positive politeness

b. Negative face = Negative politeness

The next discussion will analyze the degree of politeness in the communication in the context of using modal auxiliaries and similar expression in the book entitled USING & UNDERSTANDING ENGLISH by BETTY SCRAMPHER AZAR


1. Would you mind if I closed the window

· This is polite expression because the word Would you mind that makes the expression sounds more polite

· This sentences can minimize the Negative FTAs

· According to the principle of politeness it it appropriate to the modesty maxim ( to maximize the respect to somebody else and minimize respect to one`s self)

2. Give me your pen

· This is impolite expression

· This is imperative sentences that implies the uncontrolled emotion from the speaker

· This sentences doesn’t minimize the Positive FTAs

· According to the principle of politeness it is not appropriate to the tact maxim ( minimize the disadvantage to somebody else/ maximize the benefit to somebody else )

3. Be on time , please !

· This is polite expression

· This sentences is about request , by adding the word “ please “ make the sentence sounds more polite

· This sentences can minimize the Negative FTAs to hearer

· According to the principle of politeness it is appropriate to the Agreement maxim

4. You should take shower this morning.

· This is impolite expression

· This expression show the action that humilities the hearer

· This sentences doesn’t minimize the Positive FTAs to the hearer

· According to the principle of politeness it is not appropriate to the Tact Maxim ( minimize the disadvantage to somebody else / maximize the benefit to somebody else )

5. Damn it , Can`t you hurry up?

· This is impolite expression

· This sentences can offend the hearer and maximize the conflict to the hearer

· This sentences doesn’t minimize the Positive FTAs

· According to the principle of the politeness it is not appropriate to the Tact Maxim

6. Jhony ! you must not play with the sharp knife

· This is impolite expression

· This sentences is an uncontrolled emotional feeling that can make the hear frightened

· This sentences doesn’t minimize the Positive FTAs to the hearer

· According to the principle of politeness it is not appropriate to the Tact Maxim

7. You should have certain goal in your life

· This is polite expressions

· This is an advice and by using word “ should ‘ make the sentence more polite

· This sentences can minimize the Negative FTAs to the hearer

· According to the principle of politeness it is appropriate to the Tact Maxim.

8. Will you marry me ?

· This is polite expression

· This sentence can minimize the Negative FTAs to the hearer

· According to the principle of politeness it is appropriate to the Modesty Maxim , that is to maximize the respect to somebody else and minimize the respect to one`s self

· According to the principle of politeness it is appropriate to the Modesty Maxim, that is to maximize the respect to somebody else and minimize the respect to one`s self

9. I will be on time

· This is polite expression

· This sentence can minimize the Negative FTAs to the hearer

· According to the principle of politeness it is appropriate to the Modesty Maxim ( to maximize the respect to somebody else and minimize the respect to one` s self)

10. It will be your beautiful wedding

· This is polite expression

· This is praise to somebody and it doesn’t make the hearer offended

· This sentence can minimize the negative FTAs to the hearer

· According to principle of politeness it is appropriate to the Approbation Maxim


Participants said / speaker requires the principle of modesty in quote his statement. Maxim has the decency principle: Maxim wisdom, acceptance, generosity, humility, match. Plus the concept of threatening Face Positive and Negative Face threatening


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